cooked lamb and lentil burger

Indian spiced lamb and lentil burgers

This three ingredient burger patty is not only full of iron, fiber and protein, but it's also packed full of flavour. It's so incredibly easy to make - there's literally only a few steps - and it makes a great Friday night treat. 

Three burger images, raw patty, cooked burger

What you'll need:
(Makes enough for 4 patties)

  • 200g lamb mince
  • 1/2 tin of cooked lentils
  • 1 tsp of Indian Spice mix

What you need to do:

  • Mix the lamb mince, lentils and spice mix together. Use your hands to ensure it's well combined.
  • Divide the mixture into four patties and use your hands to shape them into round patties.
  • Cook on medium heat for around 3-4 minutes each side (time varies on thickness of patty).
  • Serve in a toasted bun.
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