All about the spices

The deep green colour of coriander contains vitamins A and K (amongst other great nutrients) which are important for bone and eye health.
It is also considered great for the immune system of little tummies.

It's thought that cumin aids digestion in babies as it boosts pancreatic enzyme production, making it a great natural way to help ease colic and gas.
It also contains a huge amount of iron - one teaspoon has just over 10% of a 7-12month old's recommended daily iron intake.

A great natural remedy for digestion issues in all ages, ginger can help keep babies' little tums ticking over smoothly.
It may also be one of the best ingredients to keep those coughs and colds away!

Paprika has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties, and stimulate saliva in the mouth which aids proper digestion. It also contains Vitamins A, E, B6 and Iron.

Meet the indian Super Spice turmeric (haldi - as seen in haldi lattes in coffee shops around the world).
The magic in turmeric comes from curcumin - it has amazing anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and it promotes healthy brain development.