Sweet potato and tuna fishcakes

Sweet potato & tuna fishcakes

These fishcakes are easy, incredibly delicious, a little crispy on the outside, soft in the middle and full of lovely herbs and spices. These were one of my favourite recipes to test with Deeya and I can't wait for your little one to try them too. This recipe makes around 8 balls.

Sweet potato and tuna fishcakes

What you'll need:

  • 1 sweet potato (peeled and cut into 4 chunks)
  • 1 tin of tuna (drained)
  • 2 teaspoons Indian Spice mix
  • 2 teaspoons Magic Herb Dust
  • Handful of grated cheese
  • 1 beaten egg (optional)
  • Panko breadcrumbs (optional)

What you need to do: 

This is suitable for 6mths+ and makes around 8 balls (tablespoon size)

  • Peel & chop the sweet potato into quarters & bake at 180 degrees for 30mins. 
  • Once cooled, mash the potato and mix in all the other ingredients. Divide the mix into 9 equal balls.
  • If you prefer, pan fry the balls in a little oil for around 5mins.
  • Or dip each ball into the beaten egg and cover with the panko breadcrumbs. Air fry for around 15mins at 180 degrees, until nice and crispy.
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